Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park
Artist in Residence Program
Frequently Asked Questions
Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park Artist in Residence FAQs
How competitive is the application process? We have gotten up to 800 applications for a single residency in the past. This is a popular residency destination because of its unique location. We are absolutely open to ANY artists so don't hesitate to apply. The work and proposal are what count.
When will applicants be notified of their acceptance to be the HAVO Resident Artist? Usually, two months prior to the commencement of the AiR term for which they applied, but in the case of this one, the response and decision will be faster.
What are the housing arrangements? Artists will be staying in a two-story, 3 Bedroom, 3 bath home with panoramic views of the ocean, a recording booth, meditation area, and an art studio within 5 minutes of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Kahuku Unit and about 28 miles to the National Park Kilauea Auditorium and Visitor Center, and close to nearby green sand beaches. Occupants are responsible for daily cleaning and final cleaning.
What are the studio arrangements? There is a dedicated workspace for Artists, and there is a sound booth for demoing for Songwriters and Musicians.
Can I bring my family? Yes, this AiR at HAVO has a spacious three-bedroom house, so families are welcome.
What are the current COVID/vaccine travel rules for the Island of Hawai’i? The state of Hawaii’s 10-day mandatory self-quarantine for all travelers arriving in the Hawaiian Islands remains in effect. A pre-travel testing option (with trusted testing partners in your area) will allow travelers a no-quarantine alternative. Beginning November 24, 2020 travelers must have their negative test results prior to arriving at the Hawaiian Islands. Visit hawaiicovid19.com/travel for the most up-to-date information. Travelers who arrive without proof of a valid negative COVID-19 NAAT from the state of Hawaii’s Trusted Testing and Travel Partners list, will be subject to the state’s mandatory 10-day mandatory self-quarantine. Click here for the Trusted Travel Partners list and click here for self-quarantine requirements.
Are pets allowed? Yes. BUT be aware that Hawaii has strict quarantine regulations for pets visiting the island. It would be unfortunate if the family pet were not allowed to enter the state and thus jeopardize all the arrangements for the residency. In addition, any pets in the park must follow NPS rules and regulations regarding animals in the park. Visit https://hdoa.hawaii.gov/ai/aqs/ to learn about how to bring your pet or companion animal to Hawaii. Any pets must be disclosed in the application (under special needs or requirements)
Can an applicant apply for other NPAF Artist-in-Residence programs and workshops simultaneously? Yes. You can even apply with the exact same proposal but fitted for a different park or park. The more we "see" you, the more we become familiar with you for other opportunities.
May an applicant apply just with their Nom-de-Plume, pseudonym, faux-nom, or exhibit name? No. The name on the application must be the individual’s legal name. However, please include on your application your preferred name, pronouns, and how you prefer to be credited in public-facing materials.
Do I need to have a car? Yes. The Park is quite isolated and is located around two live volcanoes. In addition, the park itself is quite large. In addition, artists are responsible for their own travel and travel expenses.
How do I apply? Scroll to your select residency here:
What are the guidelines for submitting my digital images? We basically accept most file types and are looking for files no more than a resolution of 72 PPI, no more than 3MB, and no less than 1920 pixels. We basically need to see them clearly on a full screen.
Do you select artists whose work is specifically about the Park and its environs? We are interested in artists being inspired by the Park and like our past artists, it is impossible not to be inspired in some way by the majestic beauty of these sacred volcanoes. A performance artist with good artwork has just as much a chance at being selected as does someone who has been plein-air painting in the park for fifty years. We have a full panel of judges at the top of the arts professions looking at the portfolios. This is not about taste or any agenda, it is about great artwork and giving an artist a once-in-a-lifetime chance to create fine art in a National Park and visitors and future generations to experience the artist interpretation of park resources.
Are the artists selected judged strictly on a scoring scale? Our curators, judges, and panelists are top of their profession in the arts and their names are not posted on the website. We may also consider input from cultural experts and the NPS. So, the answer is, no, because knowing and judging what art is and choosing appropriate candidates, goes far beyond just knowing a numbers scoring system.
Is there a Stipend or traveling fund for the artists? YES ! $3000.
$3000 USD. This is the TOP TIER of a stipend in the country at NPS sites. NPAF recognizes that costs associated with a month-long residency may be higher than this stipend and we are doing everything we can to pursue grant and funding opportunities to someday offer an all-expense covered version of this residency. NPAF is committed to artist advocacy. All stipends and reimbursements are subject to federal laws and the laws of your country of origin.
Do you accept international artists? Yes, but they must have all of the proper paperwork for the program of their own accord. We are able to put you in touch with the NPS International Office to complete the required permits and documents. Special regulations apply to international artists so please read all the information on the Terms and Conditions page closely.
Is there more funding for my project? POSSIBLY YES! We have pursued many grants, sponsors, and the like. However, it is the artist's responsibility to pursue all opportunities, not the responsibility of NPAF. NPAF will help as much as possible. NPAF artists have been granted everything from tens of thousands of dollars to art materials to scuba equipment to high dollar cameras to assistants to huge commissions and exhibitions in museums to painting supplies to fellowships to international travel. The list is endless.
I want to include more pieces of art because I feel like only a few works won't adequately represent my body of work. Can I do this? If you were to submit only one fabulous piece of work, its greatness would be recognized and not overlooked. You are not judged on volume. On the other hand, you may consider presenting a video or audio clip (3 minutes or less only) if you so choose. Whatever you do, please present a cohesive body of work that represents your excellence in art.
Will I be considered an employee of the National Park service while I am there? The NPAF works on a Partnership Model for its AiR programs and the park may ask you to sign a “VIP” or Volunteer in the Park agreement. In that case, you are classified and registered as a volunteer.
What if I am accepted to the program but my availability changes? Because of AiR funding and Federal commitments the NPS and NPAF have made to your program, we can not change the dates or any part of the AiR program. Having said that, we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
Can I reapply even if I have been accepted in previous years? Yes.
Can I apply to other NPAF programs and will my participation in them put me “ahead” for the AiR program? Yes, you can apply but it doesn’t guarantee you will be accepted into our other NPAF programs such as AiRs, workshops, or museum exhibitions.
There was a problem with the upload of the application or my payment. What do I do? Contact the application portal website.
Is the application fee refundable? No. The application fee is non-refundable. Even in the case of changes in programming due to NPS needs and other affiliate agencies.
Where do our application fees go? They go to support AiR programs and fulfill the NPAF mission to promote arts in our National Parks and Monuments and our other programs. NPAF is a non-profit 501(c)3.
Are earthworks, installation, or site-specific artwork appropriate to the Artist-in-Residence Program? Yes. However, the NPS guidelines state: “Any medium that involves the collection or permanent altering of park resources would be in conflict with NPS preservation goals and would be deemed inappropriate." So, you may install something at a location that does not affect or have a disturbing or permanent impact on park resources. In your project proposal please be specific about your earthwork, site-specific, or installation concept, and that you intend to work in the conceptual development of the said project while you are the artist in residence. Likely, the impact of your work outside of its region of impetus will have a profound impact on the audience. We have accepted these works in the past. All approval of Artwork placement is subject to NPS approval.
Will there be chances to display my artwork outside of the Artist-in-Residence time period? Yes, we are planning exhibits at many parks through the NPS and NPS concessionaires. The work you donate may be automatically included in that park museum collection and archived. This AiR may present many opportunities.
Don’t hesitate to email questions to:
*All terms herein may change and are subject to the approval of the NPS, NPAF, and other governing entities. All AIR participants may be required to accept further conditions contracts and agreements including but not limited to; codes of conduct, special use permits, rules and regulations, housing agreements, volunteer in the park’s contract, and any other apparent and unforeseen agreements required of any governing entity, namely the NPS, NPAF and/or NPS concessionaires.