Chaco Culture National Historic Park
Artist in Residence Program Policies
COVID-19 SAFETY: Face masks may be required on NPS-administered lands where physical distancing cannot be maintained and in all NPS buildings and facilities. Park operations vary based on local public health conditions. Before a residency, please check the park website to determine its operating status. Additional details are available at www.nps.gov/coronavirus
A solo artist will be selected for the February 2023 Residency at Chaco Culture National Historical Park Artist in Residence at the park for a one-month term.
This application is ONLY for FEBRUARY 2023 residency.
The Chaco Culture AiR is an in-park residency at a fairly remote and isolated location. A reliable vehicle is crucial for this residency. The park is located in northeastern New Mexico, an hour and a half from Farmington, NM, and 2H40 mins from Albuquerque, and consists of an extensive complex of pre-Columbian pueblos or ceremonial structures (at least 11) and a number of other sacred and or preserved sites.
For ease of coordination and communication with the Park Service, Artists or Artist couples must schedule their arrival between 10-3 on Federal workdays and must have their own transportation for the month of the residency.
The residency is designed for an individual artist (only one person).
THIS IS A NO-STUDIO, PLEIN AIR RESIDENCY. The Artist’s public presentation will take place in the Auditorium at the Park’s Visitor’s Center or online. Please indicate in your application if you would like to give more public presentation(s) while being a resident at the park. The artist must commit to the entire month term that they will be applying for.
All insurance including automobile, health, accidental, and insurance to cover all art, supplies, personal items is the sole responsibility of the artist as any and all insurance will not be provided by NPAF or the NPS or concessionaires. Proof of insurances must be provided to NPAF. Any terms herein may change and are subject to the approval of the NPS and NPAF. Any Visas required by the US or any other government will be the responsibility of the participant.
If the program is canceled before commencement, no refunds of any fees, including application fees, will be issued.
It is National Parks Arts Foundation’s hope that works produced during this time will characterize Chaco Culture National Historic Park for present and future generations and offer park visitors and the general public the opportunity to see the park's heritage through the creative vision of artists. The Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Artists must address, in their proposal, how they plan to engage visitors at least on occasion and possibly daily, in plein air and/or during studio time. Any ideas for public interaction may be considered but these must be authorized explicitly by NPS.
Artists will abide by all park rules, NPS rules, and regulations concerning all aspects of the park and its environment. In addition, the Artist is expected to be courteous to all public, visitors, and NPS staff during their stay. For further park information please visit: http://www.nps.gov/peco/index.htm or the National Park Service site at: http://www.nps.gov/index.htm
In addition, any Artwork that the artist intends to display in public spaces needs to be “museum ready” in other words, displayed with museum and/or archival quality.
The Artist acknowledges that if their work includes a scientific or cultural component that involves advice or information from Park Staff or any of the archeological or anthropological research programs around the Chaco Culture park resources, it is their responsibility to contract separately for such. There are many people that work around the park in many capacities and they may be willing to talk informally as an advisor. However, Park staff are not generally available to the resident and should be treated courteously and with consideration to their time and expertise.
Artists may present, at minimum one, one-hour public program, workshop, concert or lecture during their residency at Chaco Culture National Historic Park, which can be presented either at the park or another venue as deemed by NPAF and NPS staff. This presentation (above) may be the same program repeated and will reflect the artist’s medium, interest, and park experience. If Artists wish to do more participatory engagement with the public, that is encouraged. Put forth specific ideas for public interaction in the application. Workshops are open to both visitors and the public at large. Artists must provide their own car and liability insurance, supplies, and equipment for these presentations. We also encourage artists to give public presentations in their own community about their residency experience in Chaco Culture NHP to further broaden the reach of the program’s purpose.
As an introduction and fuller appreciation of park resources, each AIR participant may be able to take advantage of the Chaco Culture National Historical Park Library, archives, and the natural and cultural collections as part of the park’s Museum Program. Further, each participant may be able to discuss with park staff the diversity of park resources, themes, and historic culture of the park. This process may be inclusive of advice and recommendations of cultural advisors and interpretation rangers. This process is necessary in order to educate and maintain the integrity of the park and to honor the cultural riches of New Mexico’s ancient Puebloan heritage.
Artists need to provide their own art supplies, equipment, personal items, and reliable transportation. Artists should be self-sufficient, independent and enjoy working in an isolated environment, and able to commit to the full AIR term. The artist is expected to comply with all park regulations and policies governing park employees, volunteers, and visitors. Chaco Culture National Historical Park is very close to the Navajo Nation and is subject to fire danger and or closure dues to fire or smoke. Artists must comply with park directives and be prepared for such an event.
We have hosted a number of international artists successfully in the past. We encourage you to apply. However, depending on the visa that is required of you for your stay by the relevant federal agency, NPAF may not be allowed under U.S. law to convey donated, travel, or other funds to you before the residency. We may be able to reimburse you up to the total amount (if any) stated in the park application. NOT ALL residencies have funds for residents. So if this is crucial, please check with us and with the U.S. embassy/consulate in your country.
All AIR participants may be required to accept further conditions and contracts including but not limited to; Gift and/or donation agreements, images releases for their person and/or artwork, codes of conduct, special use permits, rules and regulations, housing agreements, volunteer in the parks contracts and any other apparent and unforeseen agreements required of any governing entity, namely the NPS, NPAF and/or NPS concessionaires.